Friday, June 17, 2011

Kids are Cool

I'm home again!

For Wednesday, I played a game and donated rice to the hungry at This is maybe the easiest thing a person could do to make someone's life better and, in turn, make the world a better place. You simply go the website and play trivia games for as long as you like. For every question that you get right, the organization that runs the website will donate a set amount of rice to struggling people. It's pretty addictive because you can watch your rice bowls get fuller and fuller!
Also, I want to recognize my Mom who, rather than purchasing a new phone when hers quit working, started using one of the other, many, abandoned cell phones we left behind at her house. In this way, a cell phone avoided becoming trash and no nonrenewable resources were used to produce a new phone for her. Way to go, Mom!

For Thursday, I did 2 things and you can accept your favorite as my 'g' thang for that day:
1) I clicked the many buttons on Each button makes a different donation. It's actually easier than playing Free Rice!
2) I was at an airport for 5 hours, so I used the time to reconnect with friends. To me, there's no experience worth having unless you share it with someone. In other words, people are the most important thing in my life because, without them, what's the point really? Staying connected with the people you love lets them know you care about them. How can letting people you love know you love them be anything but good for the world? Spread the love!

Today! Josh and I took the first step to becoming a BigCouple with Big Brothers and Big Sisters. We may not be accepted as volunteers in the program, but, the important thing is that we want to be and so we're giving it a try! There are thousands of kids in the world who lack good role models and/or who need to know someone loves them. That's what Big Brothers Big Sisters is about. I'm passionate about kids and making sure that all kids know they're loved and get a chance to be kids. That's why we want to volunteer.
There are scores of organizations in the world that need volunteers. All a person has to do is figure out what issues he/she is passionate about-what wrongs need to be righted-and get started volunteering for an organization that matches those passions. It doesn't have to be a big volunteer commitment. Even showing up randomly for an event here and there is something. If everyone did that, than there would always be plenty of volunteers. In turn, the impact of organizations, like Big Brothers Big Sisters, would grow as would the positive impact they have on the world.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're liking some of my ideas! is super addicting, I agree. Also, I proud of you guys for volunteering to be Bigs! That makes such a positive influence in your community.
    We're more than likely moving back to Missouri & once we get settled we'll be volunteering as well!
