Thursday, May 5, 2011

Desperately Seeking Dog

To begin, for anyone contemplating eating an entire apple (core and all!) but afraid to take the plunge, here's a tip: leave some of the meat (the sweet, white part) on the core, and eat the core starting at the bottom. :)

Today, I joined ASPCA! Am I planning to canvas neighborhoods or go door-to-door searching for abused/neglected animals? No, not at this point. I just don't have time. However, I do believe in the work that ASPCA does, so I think it's important to support them as I am able. Maybe someday I'll be able to give to them in more ways than a small monetary donation, but, for now, I hope that my gift encourages them to continue saving helpless animals.

Here's the thing: You don't have to have time for volunteering to be part of an organization. I feel that if you believe in the work an organization does, then the important thing is to let them know that you are in their corner. A donation not only gives them needed resources, it encourages them to continue doing good because it let's them know they are not alone in fighting for their cause. You are with them.

In a way, if I think of my hourly pay as my donation, then, it's like I worked 3 hours on behalf of aspca today! Personally, that makes my whole work day seem more meaningful.

Plus, I really want to adopt a dog. But, sadly, I'm not home enough to take care of one. So, giving to aspca is kind of the next best thing!

Other good organizations:
World Wildlife Fund
CO-op America
Global Exchange
United for a Fair Economy
Human Rights Watch
20/20 Vision
Public Citizen
Center for a New American Dream

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